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Travelling with children

Travelling with children

Travelling with kids is an amazing experience for the whole family, but it does come with its own set of challenges. At every moment – in transit and in a foreign country -  there are opportunities to make some incredible memories. Below are some tips to help the trip go smoothly.

Plan a child-friendly holiday

The simplest point is also the most important! Do some research or chat to your travel agent about the best destinations for families.  A great holiday will strike a balance between activities or experiences you know the kids will love, and some new experiences for them too – especially when it’s something they can’t do at home.

Keep them entertained on the flight

Remember the first time you flew on a plane? It’s an incredibly exciting experience for young kids, and that helps to keep them happy. Be prepared to show them around the plane, and let them take in the full experience. Once the initial fascination wanes, ensure you have a few in-flight entertainment options. There’s the in-built entertainment, which is always useful, but look at saving a few episodes of your child’s favourite TV show on a phone or tablet for them to watch, just in case.

Be prepared if the pressure of the plane causes them some discomfort. There are over the counter medications available to combat this, which can numb the pain. 


It’s essential to check in with your doctor well ahead of a trip. Kids may require a special course of vaccinations, depending on the countries you’ll be visiting.

Help them get Familiar

For kids, there’s plenty of excitement being in an unfamiliar area, but there’s also some anxiety. Take the time to practice what to do if a child gets lost or separated. This might include picking out familiar landmarks, memorising a route back to a hotel, designating a meet-up point, or showing them who to ask for help (e.g. a police officer). 

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