Bundling your holiday into a package deal is a great way to ensure you get to see everything you want to at a reasonable price! So, what should you consider before searching for a package holiday?
Set a budget that works for you
To start off with, your travel agent will need to know an approximate range of what you're willing to spend to get to where you want to go. Before you begin the hunt for your dream holiday, sit down and get a feel for what you can afford. Package holidays often offer discounts, but you shouldn't depend on them too heavily.
Decide how long you want to travel for
All package options vary in length. This will obviously impact the number of stops you'll make along the way but it is important to have a feel for just how long you want to get away before beginning your package search.
Pinpoint what type of holiday you're looking for
Sometimes all a person wants is an extended period of relaxation. We're talking lazy days on the beach, long stays at the spa and fabulously catered dinners.
Other times, we set off to scratch our adventure itch. These holidays are all about taking in as much as possible. Zip-lining through forests, hiking mountains, exploring museums by day and downtown treats by night. Pinning down what kind of experience you're looking for early on will allow your travel agent to find the right package for you.
What do all good package holidays include?
Standard package holidays will include flights and accommodation wrapped into one appealing price. However, really great offers include so much more.
- Tours - One of the advantages of package holidays is the abundance of tour options available as part of the bundle. More often than not, these trips offer guided tours and exclusive access to some of the top sights in the region or country you’re visiting.
- Food - Who doesn't love a free meal after a day of exploring? While package holidays don't always cover all your meals, they often cover a fair amount, eliminating the need to decide on a restaurant after an action-packed day.
- Transport - With a busy itinerary, it's great to have your transportation sorted between each destination. Package holidays can come with a range of options here - from group-shared vehicles to private cars, make sure to look at what your bundle offers.
Every package holiday will vary in what it can offer but as a rule of thumb, the best package options include the standards as well as some of the extra goodies mentioned above.
Our best package holiday options
Speaking of five-star package holiday options, Travellers Choice has some great options lined up. Whether you're looking to explore the wildlife in Uganda or take in all that New Zealand has to offer - check out our best package options on our TripADeal page!
Book your next package holiday with travel agents you can trust
Travellers Choice has delivered personalised service, unbiased advice and excellent value to Australian travellers for over 40 years. Every agent in our award-winning national network of independent travel agents holds ATAS Accreditation from the Australian Federation of Travel Agents. This means we can deliver extra value and savings on your package holiday while providing quality travel solutions that are suited to your needs.
To learn more about package options contact your local Travellers Choice agent today!